Christmas Love and Self-Love

I’ve been watching Christmas love movies throughout the week . You know the ones, where people meet someone special during the holiday season. These movies often include Christmas miracles and a marriage proposal. Why is it that our culture thinks love is only important at Christmas (and Valentines Day)? It seems to be so specialized that there are many of the same actors and actresses in most of the movies. Wouldn’t it be grand if we believed love is just as important throughout the year?

So far, I’ve seen two movies this week where the main male character was a prince, rescuing his bride to be from a dull boring life. Neither of them were complete and both were in need of love. Both movies ended in a marriage proposal on Christmas eve.

As I am thinking of a compatible loving partner, I do not need a prince nor a wealthy man. My ideal mate is loving, honest, respectable, and a good communicator. But first and foremost, he accepts me as I am in all my authenticity. He loves my family members as his own. In turn, I embrace him and his family in the same manner.

Love doesn’t have to be so complicated. We only need to release the fear of being hurt and our pain from the past. Knowing all things are possible, I trust that love arrives in perfect synchronistic timing. I love understanding that there is no rush and self-love comes first. Without loving ourselves – how can we let another love us and how can we love another? None of the Christmas movies address self-love. Maybe that’s why it is so hard to be alone during the holidays. Most story lines promote the idea that our self worth and happiness are based on being in a relationship.

Let’s consider keeping love alive (self-love, romantic love, and love in all its many forms) throughout the year. May our hearts be warmed and filled with love now and always. Don’t wait on holidays or Christmas movies to know love abounds and its always available. Sending much love to you on Christmas Eve!

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